标签 virtono促销码 下的文章



Unfortunately, we will have to close down our Netherlands location, because it's no longer financially sustainable and also, as you already know, we had too many issues lately with our NL servers. Before making such a drastic decision, we tried to fix it first, but multiple problems have to be solved, and the datacenter staff is not as helpful as we needed.

You don't need to worry, your service "**" , along with all it's data and IP addresses will be migrated to our Manchester(UK) datacenter starting Friday, 25 September 2020.

之前也介绍过virtono机房的vps很多促销,年付仅10欧 还有 Virtono年付不足10欧的欧洲机房KVM小鸡,居家抗疫优惠码#stayhome

这次也针对英国机房的vps推出了促销代码 UK40 ,估计他们家英国机房过剩大甩卖了。


直达virtono购买 用优惠券代码“UK40”