还有很多规则 例如设置仅仅允许发图片,或者仅仅视频等等.

Limiting post types with Content Controls and AutoMod
Only allow image posts (direct uploads only)
Only allow image posts (including hosting sites)
Only allow text posts and image posts (direct uploads only)
Don't allow image posts (including hosting sites)
Only allow video posts (direct uploads only)
Only allow video posts (including hosting sites)
Don't allow link posts to video hosting sites
Don't allow video posts (direct upload+hosting sites)
Images & Videos
Only allow image and video posts (direct uploads only)
Only allow image and video posts (including hosting sites)
Don't allow image and video posts (including hosting sites)
Only allow link posts / No text/video/image posts (etc.)
Don't allow link posts
Only allow Reddit links / no external links
Don't allow links / No links
Only allow links to specific domains
Don't allow links to specific domains
Only allow crossposts
Don't allow crossposts
Only allow polls
Where to put the AM rule

标签: reddit
